Strata & Community Insurance Valuations
Properties We Value
Residential, Commercial & Industrial Valuations
Our valuations are carried out on Residential, Commercial and Industrial strata groups.
Residential - Whether it be a small group of 2 lots or a multi-story high rise group of 200 lots, our replacement cost valuations take into consideration the cost to demolish and clear the site, reinstatement of services, planning costs and of course, the replacement of buildings, ancillary improvements and common areas.
Commercial & Industrial premises can be small developments to large multi lot warehouses. Either way, its critical that the full cost to reinstate is taken into consideration. Building materials, sufficient services that meet today's standards all need to be considered over and above the cost to clear the site and rebuild.
Under-insurance is a major risk to lot owners and ensuring that your valuer has the experience and backing of sufficient professional indemnity insurance is critical.
Insurance companies are recommending annual valuations given the change in labour and building materials each year.
Relying on a valuation report from 2 or 3 years prior that has been CPI or indexed brings increased risk to the strata managers, owners and corporation.
Be covered for 5 years not 1.
Call StrataVal today and receive annual valuations reports at no additional cost.