Strata & Community Insurance Valuations
Insurance Valuations are a priority at StrataVal, we keep you covered for 5 years.
Property Insurance Melbourne
Why Choose Us?
Its simple really, every year the strata managers and the strata owners have to make a decision on the adequate value to insure the replacement cost of the buildings and ancillary improvements within their corporation.
Every year the same questions are raised.
How long has it been since the last replacement cost valuation was carried out?
Shall the corporation index the previous years sum insured at increased risk or should the corporation order new valuation?
Is it cost effective for a new valuation report to be ordered?
Is the corporation meeting its statutory obligations if a new valuation is not carried out within 3 to 5 years.
Adelaide StrataVal solves these concerns by providing annual updated valuations for up to 5 years at no extra cost.
Does your current valuer provide on going annual reporting to give your corporation yearly updates or are you stuck with a single valuation from 5 years ago?
5 years of annual valuation
reports for the price of 1 year
No more indexing
old valuation reports
Every year we issue a new valuation report so you and your strata corporation can be confident with your insurable replacement cost
Our Associations & Resources
Valuations from StrataVal
We’re Good with Numbers
Years of Experience
Over 2000 Reports
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report for your body corporate by filling in the form below